2019 Hockanum River District Eagle Celebration Dinner
Today Eagle Scouts Tristin Emmons and Nathan Wheeler were honored at the first annual Hockanum River District Eagle Celebration dinner.

Tom Atwood Jr. Eagle Scout Recognition
James Batson, the only RHAM graduate to die in the Vietnam War, was honored this last Saturday with a re-dedication of a memorial stone...

Veterans Day Parade
Troop 28 Scouts show their appreciation for those that have served by marching in the Hebron Veterans Day Parade.

Arrow of Light Hike
Troop 28 Scouts hiked through Gay City State Park with the Arrow of Light Scouts from Pack 28 followed by a BBQ of Hotdogs and Hamburgers.

2019 Fall Court of Honor
Scouts received recognitions in the Fall Court of Honor

Fall Bottle Drive
The Scouts had a successful bottle drive collecting over 20,000 items.